
Sabtu, 24 Mei 2014

Electric motorcycle

Electric motorcycle

Electric motorcycle is a vehicle with no fuel-driven dynamo and accumulators. Along with airings problem of global warming and fuel shortages that vehicle manufacturers are now competing to create hybrid vehicles, and electric motorcycles including one in it. Until now has been available in Indonesian type with a speed of 60 km / h, equipped with disc brakes, close and distant lights, turn signal lights, brake lights and horn.
Police and Department of Transportation confirms this vehicle does not require registration. In addition, the Department of Transportation to add the statement is not needed reg.
Ø  Power source
In general, the source of power is a hybrid motorcycle accumulator, but development in fuel cells led to the creation of several prototypes using it. Some examples of the Intelligent Energy ENV Fuel Cell hydrogen utilizing processes, the technology Honda is named the Honda FC Stack, and the Yamaha FC-Aqel. There is also a hybrid-electric motorcycles fuel that is being developed. Examples of this type of example is Ecycle, and Gen-RYU from Yamaha.
And now many new innovations and breakthroughs made ​​in creating this type of battery as a source of energy that can support the mileage of this vehicle.

Ø  How it Works Electric Motorcycles
The workings of the electric motorcycle is basically the same as the workings of a gasoline-powered motorcycle. The vehicle is driven by an engine, and the engine needs fuel.
The main difference is the fuel tank in a conventional motor replaced with a battery or a fuel cell in the form of electricity.
Ø  Main Components
Bicycle electric motor powered by batteries is likely to use a lot of space is needed for the housing of the battery. The engine itself might be a little smaller. In one model, the "Enertia", the machine is about an alternator, and mounted low in the chassis right in front of the rear wheels. A chain and sprocket connect the motor directly to the rear wheels.
Ø  Weakness
One of the perceived drawbacks of electric motorcycles is charging range. Most of the electric motorcycle is now available in the market which can cover the range of 40 (65 km) to 100 miles (160 km) all rechargeable batteries. Most gasoline-powered motorcycle will exceed that distance, although this depends on the size of the gas tank.
Long charging another concern in electric-powered motorcycle, considering the recharge time will reach at least 2 to 3 hours. Compare that with 10 minutes or less to fill up the gas tank needs, and this may be the primary concern when considering buying an electric motorcycle.
Ø  Excess
·         Clean: electrical machines is considered cleaner than gasoline engines because of 2 main reasons: not needed oil and exhaust fumes do not pose. Oil is also used to lubricate gasoline engines, and almost no need for an electric motor. With no cause exhaust fumes, can be used indoor electric vehicles, and this is an opportunity to change the way driving in the future.
·         Quiet: no loud noises coming from the electric motorcycle, which might be a good thing in terms of decibel level, but there is a downside as well. Sometimes the sound of a loud engine bodes for vehicles / pedestrians of the presence of other motorcycles on the road.
·         Maintenance is cheap and easy: Although more expensive than the price of gasoline-powered models, the electric motors require less maintenance and lower costs.

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