
Selasa, 20 Mei 2014

Disease Typhoid

Typhus / typhoid
Typhus is a disease or a bacterial infection of the small intestine and sometimes the blood flow caused by the bacteria Salmonella typhi or Salmonella paratyphi A, B and C, in addition it can also cause gastroenteritis (food poisoning) and septicemia (not attacking the intestines)
Germs enter through the digestive tract, after the breed then penetrate the intestinal wall to the lymph channels, into the blood vessels within 24-72 hours. Then the propagation can occur in the reticuloendothelial system and spread back into the blood vessels which then give rise to a variety of clinical symptoms.
In society this disease known as typhoid or thypus, but in the world of medicine called Typhoid Fever or abdominal thypus, because it deals with the intestinal stomach.
To determine the disease do laboratory tests such as:
-The decrease in white blood cells
-Low-Anemia due to bleeding in the gut
-Platelets decreased
-Finding salmonella typhosa bacteria in the stool, blood, urine
-Increased titer Widal
Immunity test Widal reaction is caused by the bacteria Salmonella typhi / paratyphi, the germs contained in the beverage and food contaminated with feces we are sick people. It is said to increase when the titre of more than 1/400 or obtain a 2-fold increase in titer from previous titer within 1 week.
On physical examination can be found bradycardia (pulse weaker) relative, enlarged spleen, abdominal muscle tension, and bloating. As well, it checked if you are not experiencing gallbladder inflammation due to chronic typhoid bacteria can occupy the gall bladder.
Typhoid symptoms experienced by patients can be decomposed into the following:
- Increasing the body heat rose, especially in the afternoon and evening. Occurs for 7-10 days, then heat becomes constant and continuous. Generally morning already feeling better, but when dusk began to decline again conditions.
- In the early phase symptoms of weakness, headache, throat infection, discomfort in the abdomen, constipation or sometimes difficult defecation, and diarrhea.
- In case of severe pain and increased patient awareness began to decline.
Tipes diseases can be transmitted through contaminated food and beverages with the typhoid bacteria , Salmonella typhosa , feces , or urine from patients with typhoid .
If you frequently suffer from this disease is most likely food or drink that you consume contaminated with bacteria . Avoid roadside snacks beforehand . Or eggs cooked chicken half cooked in chicken skin contaminated with feces containing the bacteria Tipes .
To prevent someone avoid this disease now existing or Typhoid typhoid vaccine is injected or are taking medication and can protect a person within 3 years . Ask your doctor provide the immunizations .
Immune system should also be improved as well that nutrition , sleep 7-8 hours/24 hours , regular exercise 3-4 times a week for 1 hour . For people who have had typhoid disease should not engage in activities that are very tiring . Because it's easier relapse than those who have not suffered from typhoid .Avoid food that is not clean . Wash hands before eating . For people carrier ( not suffer from this disease , but it can spread bacteria ) keep taking the drug .
The disease is not too severe , but it can severely disrupt our activities . That is needed is bed rest for several weeks and even months . For people who are very active , it was miserable . You can not feel anything ( at least this is what I feel when suffering from this disease ) .
Noteworthy post- exposed to typhoid is eating right . For example should be soft , so soft apply eat until specified limits doctors , then the food is greasy , spicy , sour , spicy avoid . Reduce strenuous activities too . Then to maintain stamina Tread Capsules can be given ( in accordance with physician ) Liman 3 x 2 Kaps / hr , Kaps Leaves spoon 3 x 2 , and 3 x 1 Make sure Kebo Kaps / hr . ( to help speed up the healing of wounds in intestines due typus ) .
Treatment of these patients includes bed rest , low-fiber diet - high in calories and protein drugs such as antibiotics ( described in the next paragraph ) , and the treatment of the complications that may arise .
Types cure for the disease  is a group of antibiotics Chloramphenikol , Thiamphenikol , Ciprofloxacin etc. given for 7-10 days . The duration of antibiotic therapy should be enough to give the doctor who prescribed . Do not be discontinued if a fever or other symptoms had stopped taking medication for 3-4 days . Drug should be taken until the end ( 7-10 days ) . If not , then the typhoid bacteria that exist in the body has not been dead all patients will eventually relapse and return .
Can also use Chloramex or patent medicine which can use traditional medicine / herbal medicine that is Tilung, Vermint.

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